Type and Typography – The Designer’s Type Book

Complete alphabets of over 1100 fonts of type plus essential type information
Autore/i: Rosen Ben
Editore: Reinhold Publishing Corporation
preface and introduction by the author, foreword by Will Burtin.
pp. 406, New York
A practical workbook for the graphic designer, “Type and Typography” presents complete alphabets of the best type faces available in the United States today. Included are Aurora Condensed and Aurora Bold Condensed, Eurostile, Folio – with alternate characters – and showings of Standard, News Gothic, Univers and Venus series. The faces have been carefully selected from existing fonts here and abroad on the basis of design excellence, utility and general availability.
Each face is shown in all characters, including capitals, lower case, figures, and basic punctuation marks. Styles considered to be basic family groups are shown in display sizes ranging from 72 to 18 or 16 point, and in text sizes ranging from 14 to 6 point. Each point size shown in the text faces is set both solid and leaded so that the reader may consider the style, weight and legibility of various amounts of leading.
Indispensable as a reference work, the book also contains valuable information such as identification by foundry and size, recognition traits, comparisons of cuts from different manufacturers, and material on photo-lettering and photo type-setting.
Of particular interest are “The Specialist Pages” by well-known practitioners in the graphic arts. The guest contributors are Lester Beall, Sol Cantor, Eli Cantor, van Chermayeff and Tom Geismar, Mortimer Leach, Herb Lubalin, Ed Rondthaler, Otto Storch, and Europeans Aldo Novarese and Herman Zapf.
The bulk of the type showings in this book have been set by The Composing Room with supplementary faces and text set by York Type. Many faces set to layout by foundries here and abroad are included in this collection.
Ben Rosen has long been aware of the need among graphic designers for a practical type book. For many years he has headed his own design firm, specializing in general publication design, corporate
graphic styling, and package design. Among his clients have been Philip Morris, Inc., International Business Machines Corporation, National Aniline, Tishman Realty, and The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
Mr. Rosen has received numerous awards for his work from various organizations including the American Institute of Graphic Arts, the Art Directors Club, the Type Directors Club, the “Journal of Commercial Art,” and the Printing Industries of Metropolitan New York.
Before establishing his own firm, Mr. Rosen worked for such outstanding designers as Will Burtin, Henry Dreyfuss, and J. Gordon Carr. He studied at the Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan where he was awarded a scholarship; he also attended the Society of Arts and Crafts, Detroit, and Pratt Institute, New York City. From 1955 to 1957, Mr. Rosen established and taught a workshop course in Package Design at the School of Visual Arts, New York City.