Treasured Qigong of Traditional Medical School

Autore/i: Huang Runtian
Editore: Hai Feng Publishing Company
preface by the author.
pp. 118, 4 photos in color f.t., 83 photos b/n, 2 illustration b/n, Hong Kong
Mr. Huang Runtian comes of a traditional-Chinese-medicine family. This provided him with ample opportunity to study traditional Chinese medicine and the Treasured Qigong Exercises of the Medical School in the days of his youth. Thanks to his ability, he has obtained great success, and he has become the only Master of the Treasured Qigong of the Medical School.
Mr. Huang Runtian took over his father’s career and developed it. During the recent years he devoted himself to spreading the Treasured Qigong Exercise of the Medical School, which had been kept a secret by the older generations. He toured around the country and went abroad to give lectures on the theory and method of the Treasured Qigong, gave treatment to patients, cured numerous patients, and trained hundreds of clinical professionals of the Treasured Qigong. H1s deeds and Qigong maneuvers have been publicizedby medla at home and abroad. He is a distinguished semor Qigong master.
Mt. Huang is now the Vice President of the China Hill 0580″: Science Research Society, in charge of the Qigong exchange with Japan and Southeast Asia. He 15 also director, special member, and senior advisor of many Qigong research organizations at home and abroad.
Mr. Huang now works with the Qigong Immunization Clinic of the Naval General Hospital, engaging in Qigong medicine, teaching and research work, and he has achieved excellent results.
Argomenti: Energia, Energia Radiante, Medicina Tradizionale Cinese,