The Prehistory of Africa

Colloquium XXIX. The Most Ancient Manifestations of Rock-Art in Africa and their “Religousness”.
Colloquium XXX. The Concept of the “Neolithic” in Africa with Particular Reference to the Saharan Region.
Autore/i: Autori vari
Editore: A.B.A.C.O. Edizioni
a cura di Fabrizio Mori e Ginette Aumassip.
pp. 264, nn. figure b/n, Forlì
«The topography of eastern Africa is characterized by diversified features ranging from the coastal plain with dry, desert landscape, to the sloping steppe occupied by savanna and bush vegetation, to the forests of the highlands. The majority of rock art sites in this region are concentrated, primarily, in these highlands, from Eritrea south to Mozambique. Human beings and, befor then, anthropoids, have inhabited the area for over four million years, providing us with some of the earliest known human relics. The rock art of Central Tanzania, the paintings and engravings left behind by man, illustrates the last fourty millennia, just one percent of the age of hominids, yet they tell us the story of man since he acquired the capacity of producing art.
When the Bantu speaking people entered this area in two main waves, some two thousand years ago, they were likely lo have poken two main and very similar dialects of one language. One hundred years ago their offsprings spoke 900 languages derived from the same basic stock. As it becomes evident in the differentiation of the rock art patterns in the latest phases, in the last few centuries, subject matter, specific beliefs and religious practices had illustrate tribal patterns. In contrast, the earliest expressions of Bantu rock art reflect homogenous patterns over very large area.[…]»
Secretary: Fabrizio Mori
Coorganizers: Fabrizio Mori, Ginette Aumassip
- Cultural Patterns in the Rock Art of Central Tanzania (Emmanuel Anati)
- Datation de l’art rupestre préhistorique: problemes et premières expériences sur les peintures du Sahara Libienne (Rosanna Ponti)
- Radiocarbon Dates for Prehistoric Rock Paintings at Tadrart Acacus, Libya (M. Sinibaldi, S. Marchese and C. Desiderio)
- Problems of Chronology of the Rock Art of the Sahara (Marina Lupacciolu)
- De l’espace de l’image à l’image de l’espace: un essai de compréhension de l’univers des Têtes Rondes (Michel Tauveron)
- L’arte parietale del Sahara centrale nel Mesolitico ceramico: il mondo delle Teste Rotonde. Nuove acquisizioni e sintesi culturale (Umberto Sansoni)
- Traces of Colour on Grinding Stones from the Archaeological Deposit at Uan Tabu (Tadrart Acacus, Libya) (Elena A. A. Gercea)
- Eléments de datation de l’art rupestre saharien (Karl Heinz Striedter)
- The Bubalus Rock of Wadi In Elobu. A Chronological Indicator of Early Rock Art in the Messak Sattafet and Messak Mellet, Fezzan/Libya (Rudiger and Gabriele Lutz)
- Allegories picturales d’un groupe du Sahara Central (Axel et Anne-Michelle Van Albada)
- L’art rupestre du Tadrart Acacus (Sahara Libyen): un projet pour l’élaboration d’un catalogue computerisé (Rita Damiotti)
- The following scholars also have adhered to Colloquium XXIX (M. Akotey)
Coorgantzers: Fabrizio Mori, John Desmond Clark
- La cerarmque des débuts de l’Holocene au Niger nord-oriental. Nouvelles datations. bilan des récherches (Jean-Pierre Roset)
- The Long Sequence at Uan Tabu (Libyan Sahara): Aterian and Holocene Deposit (Elena A. A. Garcea)
- Changing Adaptative Strategies: a Long-Term Process in the Central Saharan Vizeuls from Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene. The Tadrart Acacus Perspective Libyan Sahara (Savino di Lernia)
- Propos sur le Bovidien (Ginette Aumassip avec la collaboration de Gérard Quechon)
- The “Neolithic”: a Barbaric Concept for the Sahara (Andrew B. Smith)
- iduosyneratic Characters of the Neolithization in the Saharan Central Massifs (Varina Lupacciolu)
- The Influence of Saharan Prehistonc Cultures on the Nile Valley (Isabella Caneva)
- Le Néolithique en Afnque sub-saharienne (forestiére et péri-forestiére). État des récentes et adaptation des concepts aux contextes locaux (Michèle Delneuf)
- Reflexions sur la notion de passage du Néolithique à l’Histoire dans le sud du Sahara et le Sahel, de l’Atlantique au lac Tchad (Robert Vernet)
- Le concept de Néolithique en Afrique noire vu au travers d’observations ethnoarchéologiques (Eric Huysecom)
- The following scholars also have adhered to Colloquium XXX:
- Ibnou Diagne (Faculté des Lettres, Département d’Histoire, UCAD Dakar, Senegal)
- Mounira Harbi Riahi (Ministère de la Culture, Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunis, Tunisie)
Argomenti: Africa, Archeologia, Preistoria, Storia, Storia dei Costumi, Storia dei Popoli, Storia dell'Umanità,