The Occult Sourcebook

Autore/i: Drury Nevill; Tillett Gregory
Editore: Routledge & Kegan Paul
introduction by the authors, illustrated by Elizabeth Trafford Smith.
pp. x-238, illustrated b/n, London
The occult is no longer what it used to be.
Only a few years ago the term ‘occult’ would have been reserved for obscure, demonio and vaguer diabolical practices alone. These days the occult has a wider connotation: the term includes ESP, Kirlian photography, reincarnation, palmistry, astrology, faith healing, white magic, Tarot, and even out-of-the-body experiences. The occult, too, is no longer disreputable, and scientists carry out laboratory tests on occult phenomena. The occult has now moved out of the realm of superstition into the area dealing with the hidden potential of men and women.
This sourcebook has been compiled primarily for the many people who are for the first time becoming engrossed by the numerous and often confusing possibilities underlying the occult sciences. It consists of a series of articles on key areas, providing the reader with easy access to basic facts, together with a carefully planned guide to further reading. Critical comments on the recommended books allow the reader to select those which best suit his or her interests. The authors have also included a ‘Who’s Who of the occult’ to provide short biographies of some of the more amazing figures who have already travelled down the mystic path.
In addition to providing a basic reference book, The Occult Sourcebook offers a programmed system of exploration into the realms of the unknown. It will be invaluable to the increasing number of people who are concerned to explore the possibilities of enlarging human consciousness, and those for whom the occult has replaced orthodox institutional religion as the pathway for the human race in the Age of Aquarius.
Nevill Drury received his education both in England and in Australia where he now lives.
He is at present undertaking post-graduate research on contemporary forms of magical belief and practice, and has made several national radio and television appearances in Australia in defence of the magical and ‘occult’ viewpoints. He was one of the founding editors of the leading Australian yoga and occult journal, Cosmos, and has also written several books on magic and mythology. He works as an editor for an American publishing company in Sydney.
Gregory Tillett was born and educated in Perth, Western Australia. After taking a degree in Anthropology at the University of Western Australia, he specialized in the study of magic, witchcraft and the occult, and spent two years in post-graduate research into modern occultism and witchcraft. Subsequently he worked in a government social work agency, and in television production, before undertaking further post-graduate work in library and information sciences.
Argomenti: Astrologia, Cartomanzia, Esoterismo, Magia, Occultismo, Paranormale, Rituali Magici, Tarocchi,