Sangs-Rgyas Stong – An Introduction to Mahayana Iconography

Autore/i: Nirmal C. Sinha
Editore: Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology
foreword by T.V. Rajeswar, preface and expository text with Sanskrit/Tibetan extracts by Nirmal C. Sinha, sketches (line drawings) by Lama Karjam Atsen, colour plates reproduced from Tibetan Thankas.
pp. 78, nn. illustrations in coulor and b/n, Gangtok (India)
From the foreword by T.V. Rajeswar:
«It has been my proud privilege to be the President of the Sikkim Research Institute of Tibetology, which is one of the few premier centres of Buddhist learning in our country. Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi as well as His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the erstwhile Chogyal of Sikkim, Palden Thondup Namgyal had all evinced considerable interest in the progress of this institution.
2. During her last visit to Sikkim in July 1983, Indira Gandhi had given the suggestion that the Institute might prepare popular and yet academically accurate books on Mahayana Icons and Thankas. The Institute has now brought out the book, SANGS-RGYAS STONG, which means Thousand Buddhas, which is a well known Mahayana concept. The book has reproduced some rare Thankas in colour and also given a large number of sketches and explanatory notes which would enable an average reader to understand and appreciate the basics of Mahayana Buddhism.
3. Buddhism has been the most pervasive influence over Asia for many long centuries dating back to the Maha-Parinirvana of Gautama Buddha in the 5th century B.C. Guru Padmasambhava is known as Guru Rimpoche throughout the trans-Himalayan regions. The book throws light on his mission as well as others who carried the message of the Buddha to these areas.
4, Prof. Nirmal C. Sinha, the Director, has rendered invaluable service to the Institute and he has been associated with it from its very inception. His knowledge of Buddhism and Buddhist Doctrine is encyclopaedic. I thank Prof. Sinha and his associates of the Institute for this excellent piece of art.»
Background data
- Pratīka
- Buddha Rūpa
- Sahasra Buddha
- Tārā
- Tantra
Argomenti: Buddhismo, Luoghi Sacri Magici Misteriosi, Religioni Antiche, Religioni e Culti Misterici, Religioni Orientali, Storia dei Costumi, Storia dei Popoli,