Raphael’s Tables of Houses for Northern Latitudes

From the Equator to 50° N. 0’ also for Leningrad 59° N. 56’
Autore/i: Raphael
Editore: W. Foulsham & Co. LTD
preface by the author.
pp. 104, England
… The following Tables of Houses, and those published for Great Britain, will enable the student to erect a map of the Heavens for Northern Latitudes from the Equator to 60° North. These Tables will also serve for South Latitudes by using the method described on the last page as to “How to Erect a Map of the Heavens for South Latitude with North Tables of Houses.” As will be seen, these Tables embrace the whole of India and the United States, and will greatly facilitate the study of Astrology in those great countries… (Raphael)
Argomenti: Astrologia, Astronomia, Ricerca Interiore, Universo Celeste,