Libreria Editrice OssidianeLibreria Editrice Ossidiane

Feng-Shui or the Rudiments of Natural Science in China

Editore: Cokaygne
Prezzo: € 16,00

Informazioni: with a foreword by John Michell, photographs by Ernst Borschmann. - pp. x-86, plates in b/w f.t., Cambridge
Stampato: 1973-01-01
Codice: 978090406301

"This well known word means wind-water, but its wider sense stands for the relations to the surrounding nature, the influence of the landscape on the beauty of the buildings and the happiness of the inhabitants." (Ernst Borschman)

Ernest J. Eitel, a missionary who worked in China, learned firsthand about the oral tradition of feng-shui and its philosophical roots, which span a range of thought from Taoism and Buddhism to ancient rural magic.

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